Recognize Your Outer World | The Domination System

Disclaimer: This week, we will be calling out institutions that may be close to home for many of you - specifically religious and corporate institutions. While we acknowledge these institutions may have been a positive source for some people, these institutions, not the Light or Magic that resides within them, but the entity itself causes major and detrimental harm on people and thus the collective. This could be challenging, do what you need to provide capacity within yourself to handle these conversations. 

Assumption: It is assumed that you are undergoing this Process and are already somewhat aware of a Matrix or System that is instilled through white supremacy, colonialism, heteropatriarchy, and capitalism. We have another course that dives deeper into understanding the underpinnings of the System. The intention of this course is an introduction to the greater System at play, so you can be empowered to transform and navigate your way out of them.

Mother’s Tongue Says

Cultural theorist and futurist, Riane Eisler, describes the Domination System as: “A system where somebody has to be on top and somebody has to be on the bottom.”

As described by social theorist, Patricia Hill Collins in Black Feminist Thought: Knowledge, Consciousness and the Politics of Empowerment, the Matrix of Domination is a sociological paradigm that explains issues of oppression that deal with race, class, and gender, which, though recognized as different social classifications, are all interconnected.

Societies adhering closely to the Domination system have the following core configuration according to Eisler:

  • top-down authoritarian control in both the family and state or tribe
  • the subordination of the female half of humanity to the male half, and with this, the devaluation of caring, nonviolence and other stereotypically “soft” values in women and men a high degree of institutionalized or built-in fear, coercion, and violence

Using Collins and Eisler’s description of the Domination System, Mother’s Tongue takes it a step further to explain how the Domination System is the reason for the climate crisis and the separation from Mother Earth as it is a system that has suppressed the Feminine Energy (through the conquest of patriarchal religion on goddess or earth-based religion) and overvalued Ego and the rational mind instead of Soul and the Spiritual and Energetic Self.

Eisler points out that “during much of recorded history, rankings of domination – man over man, man over woman, race over race, nation over nation, and humans over nature – have been the norm. “

However, this has not always been the case. Humanity has proved capable of Partnership societies where they live in harmony with themselves, each other and Mother Earth over 30,000 years ago when earth-based and goddess-based religions and societies flourished before the conquest of patriarchal religions 6,000 years ago. (TIP: read more from Carol P. Christ, Riane Eisler's The Chalice and the Blade, Monica Sjoo and Barbara Mor's The Great Cosmic Mother as a starting point).

The Domination System we now find ourselves in keep us enslaved in a domination, patriarchy paradigm, hungry for more wealth and more possessions; preoccupied with the false beliefs that we must consume and produce in order to feel satisfied and fulfilled; entrapped in separateness from nature which led us to rape her resources with no conscious and blinded with dualist persecution and control over the other (Mills 162). 

“The matrix” isn’t a place. It’s a psychological trauma-bond with fear-based control systems. We “escape” by healing our attachment wounds and reclaiming the power of our energy and attention.” James McCrae

It’s a tough feat to awaken to the Matrix. It requires a shattering of your reality, a painful feat not many are strong enough to bear, for although the psyche is strong, the psyche is easily broken. But it’s a shatter that we must endure.

From me …

I myself was a Suppressed Lightworker. I had followed the “hero’s journey” and set my eyes on climbing the corporate ladder only to become a corporate transformation consultant who felt deeply unfulfilled and empty.

I had pretzeled myself to fit into a box society told me I had to be in order to be happy, but I decided I did not like the version of happiness society was trying to force me to accept. I crawled my way out of the dark cage my light was captive in after undergoing conscious change and after learning of the Feminine’s suppression from Judeo-Christain religion. It is through my own process of transformation and my consulting transformation experience that I am able to bring a process and path forward for other Suppressed Lightworkers in realizing their true power to change the working establishment as well as our inner world to be one in harmony with Mother Earth. 

I underwent this process. All of this material is shared through my lens and my experience and how I made sense out of it. I share it in hopes it will support you in the ways you are looking for. I am not a teacher but a student. I am constantly deconstructing rubberbands daily. We have hundreds of years of American colonization, thousands of years of patriarchy, and hundreds of thousand years we are trying to reconnect to where there was the time of the Goddess, societies in partnership and matriarchal cultures.

Understanding that there was a creator System of Oppression at play released me.

How are you feeling?

  • What questions do you have? What information do you want more of?
  • What resonates with you? What doesn’t?
  • How do you feel after reading this?

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