The "Process of Transformation" is a 12-week course where you will dive deeper into the Process of Transformation and explain how your transformation can be a tool for systemic change.
There is another version of you ready to be released. A version of you made of ease, expansiveness and continuous movement. Let yourself be released.
Is this you?
This course is for anyone who feels the ache of separation from Mother; anyone who has felt constricted in our system; anyone who feels the destruction of earth; anyone who has fire inside of them that’s needing an avenue to be released; anyone whose spirit has been dying to break free but is unsure how to release it.
This is for anyone who has had to fit themselves into a box in order to receive love, validation, acceptance or security. Anyone who has had to fit themselves into a version of themselves to be accepted by society, work, family or friends.
This is for the people who know they’re made of more than the dark colors society forces them to inhale. This is for the people who have played it safe and don’t know how to go about life in any other way. This is for people like you. Like me. Thirsty for more, tired of the game we play. But unsure how to change it up. Where do you start?
Answer Her call.
The vision of Mother’s Tongue is for the collective to transition to a new paradigm where Mother Earth’s boundaries are respected; Her presence is infused in all decisions and aspects of our consciousness; and, individuals are led by the callings of their Soul, so we can be in partnership with one another and Mother Earth.
Shift us from a Paradigm of Domination to a Paradigm of Partnership.
She needs you, the YOU that you innately are. Don't you see? You are the key. You are simply Divine for being YOU with your unique gifts and ways of seeing and Being of this world can shift and lead us to a New World. A New World where we value the interconnectedness of each other and Mother Earth.
The system around you, the Domination System, has held you captive. Blindfolding you from your innate truth: You are magic. You are power. You are the way.
She needs you to remember your innate Being. For when you remember this, you will be unstoppable. And you will share your gifts with the world. And thus you will transform the world. Oh, how beautiful it will be.
Take the step. The step towards transforming yourself from being used by the system of Domination to creating a new system of Partnership -- where we live in harmony with Mother Earth.
12-week Online Course
The online course explores the question "How might I transform from being a Product of the Domination System, to being a Designer of the new system of Partnership where we live in harmony with Mother Earth?"
- 90 x Days of online readings and embodiment exercises
- 12 x Weeks of deep dives into the Process of Transformation
- Inspiring artwork and quotes to keep you uplifted during your journey
- Personal accounts of the Mother's Tongue founder's Self Transformation journey
Quarterly Planner
The quarterly planner supports you in managing your life while navigating transformation.
- 3 x Months of planning and reflection
- 12 x Weeks of planning and reflection
- 90 x Days of planning and reflection
- Colorful and uplifting artwork
- Open-date
- Moon energy integration
- Menstrual energy integration
- Space to answer prompts from the digital course or journaling
- Inspiring quotes
- Space to manage your daily lives i.e. To-Do, Daily Gratitude, 30 second brain dump, Negative thoughts dump
The online community is a space where we dive into what it means to be a Transition Designer and How can we support each other on the journey?
Hosted on Mighty Networks platform, the community is removed from the social media noise.
This is a closed container and is included with the enrollment of the course or purchase of the planner.
Sneak Peak at the Process of Transformation Curriculum
1. Recognize the rubberbands that squeeze your Light from shining. The mirror is your best friend here. In this part of the process, by entering reality as an observer rather than a participant, you can see your reality within the system.
2. Once you objectively witness your Ego and the system, with intention and focus you can deconstruct the traits/mindsets/etc. that do not serve you. It’s important to ground in Soul, so that you can remove what is not in alignment with Soul.
3. Next, is when your curiosity and sense of adventure have their place. After deconstructing, you now have the capacity and space to expand into a new version of yourself. Have fun exploring what Soul finds pleasurable.
4. In order to integrate the shifts you made for yourself, your mind, body, heart and soul need to embrace those changes. When you acknowledge those changes, you reinforce new patterns and a new way of Being.